Tuesday 5 November 2019

Tips for getting Improve Rankings with Backlinks

Although you cannot directly control your SEO from the site, getting backlinks can be an obstacle for many small business owners. In this post, we will see simple feedback sources and more ways to get good backlinks to your content.

Simple background sources

There are low background sources. While they may not be top quality connections, everything helps, especially when it's just running.

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1. Link from another site you own

If you have more than one domain, make sure you get backlinks from each site you own to other sites you have.

2- Background from your friend's social network

Get social feedback from friends and family on social networks. Although links to social media cannot be tracked, the traffic they generate can improve the traffic to your site and can lead to indirect benefits that lead to future tracking links.

3 - Replace the post

You can find other bloggers at your site and see if you can share publications with them through attribute courses. It is always best that links appear at the top of the page, so some guest bloggers identify themselves before publishing content.

Some SEO experts warn you that search engines do not like duplicate content. Although duplicate content can be a problem, it is not always so bad. After all, how many product descriptions have you seen on Amazon that are exactly the same? Sometimes you can get the same content, but you mention different cities. In this example, 99% of the content is exactly the same, just the city and maybe another image. In addition, press releases and articles can often appear on various news sites.

There is a legal label to identify the source of the content. However, this is optional. If this tag doesn't exist, a search engine like Google determines the best version or URL. If another site uses your content, you must enable it to let Google know that you are the creator and give it credit.

4- Send URLs to directories

Submit the URL of your website to specific directories in your niche. Search links from directories are not very valuable to search engines; therefore, I only focus on directories that do not charge you to be listed.

5- Supplier and Customer Links

Contact suppliers and customers in your value chain and ask them to link to their website.

6- Trade Union Links

Join an industry organization and be listed on their website.

Request links from other websites

In addition to the six simple connection sources above, you can perform a connection analysis of your termination to see where the connections come from. There are many tools that can help you find competitive feedback such as Majestic, Moz, SEMRush, Ahres and others.

Majestic seems to have the largest database. With a free account, you can really analyze your own backlink website. However, a free account only provides some useful information and you need to subscribe to your payment accounts for deeper analysis.

Personally, I like to use Moz Link Explorer because they offer a pretty good free version. The free versions give you 10 free calls per month and allow you to import most of the top-ranked links into a CSV file. Of course, the free version of Moz Link Explorer is not for professional SEO types because they prefer more robust tools. But for small budget businesses, they are trying to find out which websites they can access to get links, free

Brian Dean of Backlinko.com is a renowned expert in backlinks. In a new video about link building, he gave eleven ideas to link back. Below is a summary of the seven ideas you can do without subscribing to an expensive SEO tool.

7 - Link Feedback Review

Many websites collect articles for the industry and publish periodic publications that summarize content from other sources and provide links to the original article.

Posted Monday # PickOfTheVeek, dealing with the niche of lifestyle and lifestyle companies, examining the first four articles I read last week.

It allowed me to write to a website like Paper.li and the Page Authority, which has a large domain of authority, as part of many of my publications on websites.

You can find rounding websites with a keyword that identifies your niche and add "Review", "Best", "Choice", "this" week.

When you find a place in your niche, you can often email the owner as follows:

Hello [website owner],

Today I discovered you're [circle name]. Pretty cool stuff. I'm visiting because I recently posted a post on [a topic for posts] [which may match the URL of your content]. Keep working amazingly!


8- Report broken reciprocity and feedback links

Find a resource page or website that contains the contents of a list that you may want to return links to.

Browse several link pages and look for broken links. To find broken links, you must enter a domain or landing page in the broken link controller. You can find them using Google's "Broken Link Checker veia" search, or you can add the "CheckMiLinks" plugin to your Chrome browser.

If you find an incorrect link, email the owner as follows:

Hi [website owner]

I researched [fill in the blank] and I came across your checklist. Pretty cool stuff. [I like to fill the gap] But I found the wrong connection. Do you want me to share?


When they answer, they give you an answer:

Hi [website owner]

That said, it's pretty cool. I will not change anything (or add a suggestion) other than a broken link [enter title and URL of the broken link]. It's good if you think of it [fill in space] in your post as [enter a URL to a linked page]. The [Fill in Blank] section can be a nice addition.


9- Create backlinks from the Podcast view

Many podcasters are looking for guests with some domain experience. You can search for "Podcast takipo" that follows your niche word to find available podcast lists and let you know that you are available as a guest.

You can also go to popular podcast sites like iTunes and Stitcher and look for a podcast on your site.

PodcastGuest is a free site that matches podcasts to guests.

10- Create branding strategies and feedback methods

Content tools and content are great ways to get in touch again. To start a game, don't just write a post, create a tool or process and hope people find it. Give it a name and create a logo for it. Then, in a post that you can post on an external site, say something like:

Hi [website owner]

I have a tool I am looking for [enter the name you gave it] or I have a process that I call [adding process name] that can be of interest to my readers.


For example, I have a model I call the Live Customer Model and I talk about it in the video. Creating a tool or process and giving it a name is what is called a lure and it works wonders to come back.

Coschedule offers a title analyzer and Neal Patel presents Ubersuggest. These are tools that I personally use often and have been quoted in many articles and articles.

11- Be the source for journalists and bloggers

Journalists are always looking for experts to quote their stories. Help Reporters or HARO is a website that responds to journalists. Being a HARO resource requires some work and you have to respond to the request fairly quickly. However, if you provide a tracking link that points you to a source, you may get some quality news from very high domain authorities.

Even if you do not have the following link, the link is placed in front of your audience. If you register as a HARO resource, you will receive three emails a day. Respond to them with your opinion, and if accepted, the journalist will portray you as an associate.

In addition to journalists who used HARF, I discussed ways to find three similar sites in our article on finding crowdsourcing.

12- Build relationships with colleges/universities

Background links from colleges and universities rank highly in search engines. Most .Edu websites have a resource page for their students. It also has clubs that list most of the local resources. Search operators are a way to tell a search engine, such as Google, to narrow its focus to queries. With the help of a search engine, you can find colleges and universities that use the site: search engine and then. Edu icin to restrict your search to .edu sites. You can then add the keyword to your niches.

1 comment:

Dennis. N said...
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